  • Oven
  • Oven
  • Oven
  • Oven



Rheolaeth tymheredd uchaf a gwaelod annibynnol
1 ℃ rheolaeth fanwl gywir
Tiwb rhostio 3D
Rhostio rotisserie
Arddangosfa LCD lawn a rheolaeth gyffwrdd synhwyrydd
8 Swyddogaeth coginio
Drws gwydr 3 Haen gyda 2 haen o E-wydr isel
Amddiffyniad tymheredd uchel
Ceudod a hambyrddau enamel gwydn
raciau symudadwy
Hawdd glanhau tiwbiau rhostio

18MJ/hr annular intensive strong fire<br /> Greater power Better cooking<br /> ROBAM Brand-new upgraded super power gas stove B312<br /> 1.Core highlights:<br /> ①Linear burner arrangement for hand protection<br /> ②Imported burner for greater heat<br /> ③Cut-off protection for reliable safety<br /> 2.Detailed information:<br /> 1)Strong cooking power:<br /> ①Annular Intensive Strong Fire of Upgraded Power<br /> Pure copper burner,rapid heat conduction without deformation<br /> Linear pure copper burner arrangement contributes to excellent heat conduction and thermal dissipation,and protects hands shifting cooker<br /> ②Concentrate extreme heat for perfect stir-frying<br /> Heat load up to 18MJ/h,dual ring heat,time saving frying,uniform heating and better cooking<br /> ③Circular grove,stable flame ,reliable cooking<br /> Patent circular grove structure,stable flame regardless of high and low pressure<br /> 2)Higher heat,quicker cooking<br /> Greater heat shortens waiting,rapid heating,improving efficiency by 24%<br /> 3)Quick combustion makes taste of chef<br /> Rapid frying locks taste and nutrition of food.<br /> 4)Humanized design:<br /> ①Considerate caring,0-second delay,rapid cooking<br /> 0-second ignition delay,instant ignition<br /> Runway zinc alloy knob,precise heat control<br /> ②Easy cleaning,wipe and clean<br /> Removable burner facilitates cleaning<br /> Stainless steel water tray,dirt hides nowhere<br /> ③Safe protection,free from risk when soup spills<br /> Automatic flameout protection, gas source cut off at flame failure<br /> 8mm black-crystal explosion-proof toughed glass

Paramedr Technegol

Dimensiynau(WxHxD) 595x595x520(mm)
Dimensiynau ar gyfer gosodiad llawn (WxHxD) 600x600x565(mm)
Dimensiynau ar gyfer lled-osod (WxHxD) 560x590x550(mm)
Power Rating 2800w
Gallu 60L
Inswleiddio Gwydr Drws Gwydr Triphlyg
Pwysau Net 41kg


Cyflwyno'ch Cais

Awgrym Cysylltiedig

Cysylltwch â Ni

Technoleg o'r radd flaenaf Yn Eich Tywys Trwy Goginio Llawen Arwain ffordd o fyw coginio chwyldroadol
Cysylltwch â ni Nawr
Dydd Llun - Dydd Gwener: 8am i 5:30pm Dydd Sadwrn, Dydd Sul: Ar gau