  • Fly Series
  • Fly Series
  • Fly Series
  • Fly Series
  • Fly Series
  • Fly Series
  • Fly Series
  • Fly Series
  • Fly Series
  • Fly Series
  • Fly Series

Fly Series


Qhov loj me ntawm 600mm
Zoo nkauj "smile ntsej muag" tsim
Gas sensor & tshav kub sensor
Optional carbon lim
Tsis-disassembly thiab ntxuav dawb

  • Ob Chav Lub Zog Core 2.0

    360 ° Smoke Containment, Lock Of Roj Hmab, Tsis Muaj Kev Tawm Ntawm Roj Hmab
      • Cov pa luam yeeb nruj, tso pa tawm dawb, tsis muaj qhov seem.Tag nrho cov pa luam yeeb thaum ua noj ua haus tuaj yeem nqus tau sai heev.
      • 2-theem cua tshuab, hloov tau raws li koj xav tau, max.tshuab tus nqi ntawm 1020m / hr, siab zog.Nws tuaj yeem ua tau raws li koj qhov kev ua noj ua haus.Koj tsis tas yuav txhawj xeeb muaj cov pa taws nyob hauv koj chav ua noj.
      • Kev tsim kho tshiab ntawm cyclone turbine, streamlined blades tsim, zoo txo ​​qhov nqus qhov cuam tshuam kom ntseeg tau tias qhov cua zoo dua.
  • A++ Roj Strainer

    Kev sib cais roj zoo, Super pom ntawm cov pa luam yeeb roj
      • Broad-sab saum toj-thiab-qis-hauv qab cov lus qhia roj, phau ntawv qhia roj dawb, xyuas kom poob rau hauv roj khob.
      • Nano-txheej roj-repelling kab noj hniav, tsis muaj roj stains ntawm sab hauv ob sab phlu, carefree tu.
      • Kev tiv thaiv triple, .A ++ roj mesh, roj-dawb txheej thiab super suction, yog li koj tsuas yog yuav tsum tau ntxuav cov roj mesh tsis tu ncua.
      • Brand tshiab electrophoreses tiv thaiv tshuab rau sab hauv kab noj hniav, nanometer roj-dawb txheej ib kauj ruam huv si tiv thaiv, tsis muaj residual rau roj stain nyob rau hauv lub puab kab noj hniav kom ruaj khov nqus.
  • 1Min Delay Shutoff

    Tsis muaj cov roj seem haus luam yeeb hauv chav ua noj
      • Lub hwj chim rau, kov ntawm lub khawm tsis siv neeg, roj sensor thiab lub ntsuas cua kub ntsuas qhov hloov pauv thiab ua kom tso pa tawm ua haujlwm.Ib tus neeg txawj ntse heev hauv koj chav ua noj, koj tsis tas yuav tig rau ntawm koj tus kheej.
      • LED teeb pom kev zoo, ua kom zoo dua qub, zam, thiab txuag hluav taws xob.Ua rau koj ci ntsa iab ua noj ib puag ncig.
      • Fastening roj khob yog qhov tseeb ntawm ib nrais muag, tshem tau yooj yim thiab ntxuav tau.
      • Optional activated carbon yog tshem tau yooj yim thiab muaj txiaj ntsig tshem tawm hauv chav ua noj tsw.Txawm tias koj muaj cua duct los yog tsis, koj tuaj yeem siv nws ib txwm.
  • Zoo kawg nkaus SS Decorative Hood

    Yooj yim so thiab ntxuav
      • Tshwj xeeb tsim thim rov qab "smile" qauv, dub vaj huam sib luag thiab pem hauv ntej vaj huam sib luag ntawm cov tsom iav dub tsaus yog qhov yooj yim tab sis zoo kawg li.Elegant thiab fashionable tsos.
      • Pav ca kov vaj huam sib luag, rhiab khiav lag luam, yooj yim pib.Grease tsis yog li yooj yim mus nkaum hauv seams ntawm cov nyees khawm.

Technical Parameter

Dimensions (WxDxH) 600x520x500-800 (mm)
Qhov siab tshaj plaws huab cua ntws (IEC61591) 1020 m³ / h
Lub suab nrov ≤ 58dB (A)
Qhov siab tshaj plaws Static 310 pab
Lub cev muaj zog 200 wb
Roj Separation Rate ≥90%
Net nyhav ntawm chav tsev 24kg ua

Kev teeb tsa

Xa koj daim ntawv thov

Cov lus qhia ntsig txog

Tiv tauj peb

State Of Art Technology Coj Koj Los Ntawm Kev Zoo Siab Ua Noj Ua Ntej Ua Kev Ua Liaj Ua Li Cas
Tiv tauj peb tam sim no
Hnub Monday-Friday: 8 teev sawv ntxov txog 5:30 teev tsaus ntuj Hnub Saturday, Hnub Sunday: Kaw

Ua raws li peb